从上图可知,text-embedding-3-small/large这两个新嵌入模型允许开发者通过在 dimensions API 参数中传递嵌入而不丢失其概念表征属性,从而缩短嵌入(即从序列末尾删除一些数字) 例如在 MTEB 基准上,text-embedding-3-large 可以缩短为 256 的大小, 同时性能仍然优于未缩短的 text-embedding-ada-002 嵌入(大小为 1536...
作者基于几个主要超参数的改动包括每阶段样本的通道数和多头子注意力的head数、mixing block的个数及他们的参数,得到了四种不同应用特点的网络:SVTR-T(Tiny)、SVTR-S(Small)、SVTR-B(Base)、SVTR-L(Large),详细参数如Table 1所示。 Table 1: Architecture specifications of SVTR variants (w/o counting th...
它是一种文本编码器,在短的上下文和长的上下文任务上,性能超越了 OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 和 text-embedding-3-small。 Ollama[1] 是一款超级好用的工具,让你能够在本地轻松跑 Llama 2, Mistral, Gemma 等开源模型。本文我将介绍如何使用 Ollama 实现对文本的向量化处理。如果你本地还没有安装 Ollama...
Could you please provide me with information on how to use text-embedding-3-small model with various output dimensions? Also, is there any estimated timeline for this? I can take a crack at adding this functionality. Expected usage would be like this: ...
除了T5-base,还训练了其他版本的T5模型,包括small, large, 3B, 11B,汇总如下: 大模型 vs. 集成学习 用集成学习(ensemble)的方法把N个小模型的推理结果综合起来往往能得到比单个小模型更好的性能表现,表面上看起来小模型推理比大模型推理还更节省计算资源,但实际上是在每个小模型都做了一遍推理,算力的消耗实际上...
To perform this task we usually need a large set of labeled data that can be expensive, time-consuming, or difficult to be obtained. Considering this scenario semi-supervised learning (SSL), the branch of machine learning concerned with using labeled and unlabeled data has expanded in volume ...
本文我们将使用nomic-embed-text[2]模型。它是一种文本编码器,在短的上下文和长的上下文任务上,性能超越了 OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 和 text-embedding-3-small。 启动nomic-embed-text 服务 当你已经成功安装好ollama之后,使用以下命令拉取nomic-embed-text模型: ...
In Office, the small value converts all lower-case letters into upper-case letters of a smaller font size. The actual point size in the backing store is not affected. b. The standard does not clearly define the none value of the ST_TextCapsType simple type. Office uses this ...
embedding_pretrained, freeze=False) else: self.embedding = nn.Embedding(config.n_vocab, config.embed, padding_idx=config.n_vocab - 1) # 卷积层 self.convs = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Conv2d(1, config.num_filters, (k, config.embed)) for k in config.filter_sizes]) # 丢弃层 self.dropout =...