EditorOptionDefinition<T> EditorOptionKey<T> EditorStyleNames EditorTextFormattingMode EnableVerticalScrollingOption EnsureSpanVisibleOptions FallbackFont FileHealthIndicatorEnabled FollowCodingConventionsOption GlyphMarginEnabled GridCellLengthAttribute GridUnitTypeAttribute HighlightCurrentLineOption HorizontalPositioning...
Explore all classes and interfaces of the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.Commanding.Commands namespace.
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Logic.dll The definition of an editor option.C++/CX 複製 [Windows::Foundation::Metadata::WebHostHidden] public ref class EditorOptionDefinition abstractInheritance Object EditorOptionDefinition ...
Text.Editor Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Logic.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Logic v17.9.187 The definition of an editor option.C++/CX Copy [Windows::Foundation::Metadata::WebHostHidden] public ref class EditorOptionDefinition abstractInheritance Object EditorOptionDefinition ...
VisualStudio.Text.Editor Namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor Namespace AdornmentLayerDefinition Class AdornmentPositioningBehavior Enumeration AdornmentRemovedCallback Delegate AppearanceCategoryOption Class AutoScrollEnabled Class BackgroundBrushChangedEventArgs Class CaretPosition Structure CaretPositionChanged...
If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it hereThe VB Specific property page, in the Basic folder of the Text Editor folder of the Options (Tools menu) dialog box ...
Adding Visual Studio editor support for other languages Reference General User Interface Elements (Visual Studio) General User Interface Elements (Visual Studio) Call Hierarchy Choose Toolbox Items, WPF Components Code Snippet Picker Command Window Convert Dialog Box Error List Window File Properties, Jav...
To access this page, in the Options dialog box, in the left pane, expand Text Editor, expand C/C++, and then click Formatting.备注 Your computer might show different names or locations for some of the Visual Studio user interface elements in the following instructions. The Visual Studio ...
Visual Studio Code is My Favorite Text EditorTerry Nguyen
Vscode扩展,设置window.activeTextEditor Vscode扩展是指为了增强Visual Studio Code(简称VS Code)编辑器的功能而开发的插件或工具。VS Code是一款轻量级、跨平台的开源代码编辑器,广泛用于前端开发、后端开发以及其他编程领域。 window.activeTextEditor是VS Code中的一个属性,用于获取当前活动的文本编辑器。它返回一个编...