官网地址:https://vueup.github.io/vue-quill/ github:https://github.com/vueup/vue-quill 没有中文包,胜在简单, 步骤,按官网说明安装: npminstall@vueup/vue-quill@latest --save # OR yarn add @vueup/vue-quill@latest 在项目的\src\components\ 路径下建立 QuillEditor.vue组件,当然,名字随意取,内...
Rich Text Editor Component for Vue 3. 👀 See a Live Demo 🔎 Overview VueQuillis aComponentfor building rich text editors, powered by Vue 3 and Quill. 💚Built With Vue 3:More powerful and performant framework than ever before.
VueWrite is another text editor that takes full advantage of Vue3's features. It contains no pre-made styles and blocks as its main goal is complete customization and extension Demo You can watch the demo here Quickstart <template> <TextEditor ref="textEditorRef" v-model="modelValue" single...
🌸A modern WYSIWYG rich-text editor using tiptap and Element Plus for Vue3 yuneath •1.2.12•14 days ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.2.12,14 days ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 84 md-editor-v3 Markdown editor for vue3, developed in jsx and typescript, dark theme、beaut...
不过除了Vue 3之外,鱼头在尤大的 github 上还发现了悄咪咪上线的DEMO - vue-lit 。 下载下来之后发现还挺有意思的,所以就来跟大家一起分享下。 正文 项目README.md 里有这么一句话: Proof of concept mini custom elements framework powered by @vue/reactivity and lit-html. ...
1 1、下载插件通过网盘链接下载“Vue 高亮插件”。2 2、浏览插件打开 Sublime Text3 主界面,在菜单栏点击“首选项”,然后点击下拉列表中的“浏览插件”,会打开插件文件目录。3 3、添加高亮插件在打开的插件文件目录中,新建一个文件夹“Vue”,将第一步下载的插件解压后拷贝到 Vue 文件夹中。4 4、加载插件...
VueQuill VueQuill is a Vue Component for building rich text editors, this package is a thin wrapper around Quill, to make it easier to use in a Vue 3 application. View DemoView Github ?Built With Vue 3:More powerful and performant framework than ever before. ...
概要:最近想要学习一下比较火的框架vue,在学习过程中发现我的编辑器sublime text3打开vue文件后没法像编辑PHP文件等那么方便,顺畅。想想肯定是要在编辑其中安装vue相关插件么,那磨刀不误砍柴工,首先让我们来安装vue插件! 一:安装 Package Control 1、简单的安装方法 ...
Vue 3 + TypeScript + Vite Recommended IDE Setup Type Support For .vue Imports in TS Vue 3 + TypeScript + Vite This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and TypeScript in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 SFCs, check out the script setup docs to learn more. Recomme...
简介: 这是一个基于 Vue3 的可自定义文本域组件 (`Textarea`),具备多种实用功能,如自适应内容高度、清除图标、字数统计及禁用状态等。效果如下图:在线预览 APIs Textarea 参数说明类型默认值 width 文本域宽度,单位 px string | number ‘100%’ allowClear 可以点击清除图标删除内容 boolean false autoSize 自...