PublicSubTextWidthDifferences()DimwideColumnAsRangeSetwideColumn = Sheet1.Range("B2") wideColumn.Value ="Wide Enough Column"wideColumn.Columns.AutoFit Sheet1.Range("B3").Value2 =123456789ConstCurrencyWith2DecimalsFormatAsString="$#,##0.00"DimcurrencyCellAsRangeSetcurrencyCell = Sheet1.Range("B4")...
Excel treats values to many formats like number, date, time, text, percentage or currency. These can be changed into each other. Excel converts numbers to text to use numbers as text in formulas like vlookup with numbers and text. The Excel TEXT function lets you convert the number to tex...
("B4") currencyCell.Value2 =1234.56currencyCell.NumberFormat = CurrencyWith2DecimalsFormatDimnarrowColumnAsRangeSetnarrowColumn = Sheet1.Range("C2") narrowColumn.Value ="Reduced Width Column"narrowColumn.ColumnWidth =7.5Sheet1.Range("B3:B4").AutoFill Destination:=Sheet1.Range("B3:C4"), Type:=...
Here is a function that can be saved as add in and used as UDF in Microsoft excel to convert a number to text. For example,4556.45toRUPEES Four Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Six & PAISE Forty Five(Defaults being set to Indian Rupee). But the function can be adopted toany currencythroug...
This section provides the methods on converting date to text in Excel. To convert date to text, you just need one formula. Formula: =TEXT(date,”date_format”) Reference: date: the cell with date you want to convert to text date_format: the format you want to display after converting ...
you convert the number to text. The TEXT function in Excel is used to convert numbers into text. The fun part is you can format that number to show it in the desired format. For example format a yy-mm-dd date into dd-mm-yy format. Add currency signs before a number and many ...
In this formula, theTEXT(C7,”$#,##0″)function converts a value to a specified number format and the format is“$#,##0”which indicates the currency format in the dollar.Here,B7represents a string of text. Then,CONCATENATEfunction combines the texts. Moreover,““is theWhite Spacechara...
Before applying Kutools for Excel, please download and install it firstly. 1. Select the cells with the currency numbers you want to convert. 2. Click Kutools > Content > Numbers to Words. See screenshot:3. In the Numbers to Currency Words dialog box, select English option, and click the...
In the Category listbox, select your format. A sample of your text will appear on the right portion of the window based on the format that you've selected. Click the OK button when you are done.In this example, we've chosen to format the content of the cells as a currency number....
You can do a lot more with the TEXT function – such as add currency symbol, add prefix or suffix to the numbers, or change the format to have comma or decimals. Using this method can be useful when you already have the data in Excel and you want to format it in a specific way....