REPORTz.TYPES:BEGIN OFty_data,field1TYPEstring,field2TYPEstring,END OFty_data.TYPES:tt_dataTYPE TABLE OFty_data.DATA:lt_dataTYPEtt_data,lt_rawTYPEtruxs_t_text_data.CALL FUNCTION'TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP'EXPORTINGi_line_header=abap_falsei_tab_raw_data=lt_rawi_filename='C:\temp\1.xlsx...
1. 导出的话最好把字段类型先全部转换成字符型 2、SAP_CONVERT_TO_XLS_FORMAT只能导出excel 不能导出txt 3、TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP 既可以导入txt也可以导入excel 4、TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP 导入excel或者txt的时候,金额或者含有小数类型的话 小于1的两位小数 导入到内表会被自动放大100倍 或者100倍,解决...
首先在本地新建一个 excel 文件:"C:\temp\1.xlsx",内容如下: 编写一个 ABAP 报表,调用TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP进行文件内容解析,解析出的文件内容,存储到 ABAP 内表变量如下所示: ABAP 报表的源代码在此处。 发布于 2022-06-20 13:46 内容所属专栏 ...
于是想到用ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE,这个函数用起来有点蛋疼,不能使用自定义的格式,必须要定义一个和它规定的格式的内表来接收传来的值,完了要loop这个内表,再一条一条sign的自定义格式的内表中去。 后来选择用:TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP,这个函数用起来挺方便,没有乱码现象,还可以去掉首行,最重要的是能...
I am using FM 'TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP' for upload. If I try to upload different files with different users at same time, It is not getting uploaded properly. Either of the session is fetching no rows or partial rows from the excel. Can anybody please tell me how to fix this? Reg...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Has anyone encountered any errors using the function module: TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP to upload data from a spreadsheet created using Excel 2007 ? The program runs fine on computers with Excel 2003 and is not working on computers with Excel 2007. Did not...
When I paste a table from SAP into a new excel sheet, the dates format appropriately as dates and all is well; When a co-worker does exactly the same...
hello, i have an excel file with a column for long text in it. im using TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP fm to upload to itab but the long text field is filling only upto 255
1. I am making payment to 2500 employees through tcode F110. F110 is making payment entry. However, it should generate one excel file which will have only four columns: - Document Number - Employee code (i.e. SAP Vendor code) - Bank Account Number (maintained in SAP vendor master) -...