button5=tkinter.Button(root,text=' 5 ',width=5,command=anjianzhi('5').jia) button6=tkinter.Button(root,text=' 6 ',width=5,command=anjianzhi('6').jia) buttonx=tkinter.Button(root,text=' * ',width=5,command=anjianzhi('*').yunshuan) buttonfs=tkinter.Button(root,text='1/x',width...
-- 可选选项 align:设定此图像的垂直对齐,可以是 "top"、"center"、"bottom" 或 "baseline" -- 可选选项 image:PhotoImage 或 BitmapImage 对象 -- 可选选项 name:你可以为该图像实例命名,如果你忽略此选项,那么 Tkinter 会自动为其取一个独一无二的名字。 -- 可选选项 padx:设置水平方向上的额外间距 ...
我们使用构造方法创建了一个 Text 控件, 设置其高度为 2 (不是像素高度, 而是两行字符的高度), 设置其宽度为 30 (不是像素宽度, 是30个字符的宽度), 然后使用insert()方法插入两行文本. from Tkinter import * root = Tk() T = Text(root, height=2, width=30) T.pack() T.insert(END, "Just a...
Marks 有 "insert","current" 和 user-defined marks(用户自定义的 Marks)。其中,"insert" 和 "current" 是 Tkinter 预定义的特殊 Marks,它们不能够被删除。 "insert" 用于指定当前插入光标的位置,Tkinter 会在该位置绘制一个闪烁的光标(因此并不是所有的 Marks 都不可见)。 "current" 用于指定与鼠标坐标最接...
Tkinter Text - Text widgets provide advanced capabilities that allow you to edit a multiline text and format the way it has to be displayed, such as changing its color and font.
Creating Buttons: Button(root,text="<Set text>",command=<set funnction>,bg=<set background color>) Running Loop: root.mainloop(), without running this function we will not be able to open the window.Program:# import the module and all specifications from tkinter import * # create the ...
from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk root = Tk() log = Text(root, state='disabled', width=80, height=24, wrap='none') log.grid() def writeToLog(msg): numlines = int(log.index('end - 1 line').split('.')[0]) ...
開發者ID:aliyun,項目名稱:oss-ftp,代碼行數:19,代碼來源:ColorDelegator.py 示例3: _widget_redirector ▲點讚 6▼ # 需要導入模塊: import Tkinter [as 別名]# 或者: from Tkinter importText[as 別名]def_widget_redirector(parent):# htest #fromTkinterimportTk,Textimportre ...
The “format” tag is then configured using the “tag_config()” method with a red foreground color and a bold “Arial” font size of 14. After the main event loop has begun, the user can engage with the GUI. Output Furthermore, tkinter text-box offers extensive event-handling capabiliti...
Python program uses Tkinter text to display text using insert and tag methods and then search the text highlighted in red color when found. Code: fromtkinterimport*root1=Tk()fram1=Frame(root1)Label(fram1,text='Please enter the text to search:').pack(side=LEFT)edit1=Entry(fram1)edit1....