Bold text. Normal weight text. Light weight text. Italic text. Bold text.Normal weight text.Light weight text.Italic text.
Bold text.Bolder weight text (relative to the parent element).Normal weight text.Light weight text.Lighter weight text (relative to the parent element).Italic text. 等宽字体(Monospace) 用.text-monospace类将所选内容更改为等宽字体(monospace font)。 This is in monospace Copy This is in monospace ...
Bold text.Bolder weight text (relative to the parent element).Normal weight text.Light weight text.Lighter weight text (relative to the parent element).Italic text. Monospace Change a selection to our monospace font stack with.text-monospace. This is in monospace Copy This is in monospace Reset...
The Bootstrap 4 classes below can be added to style HTML elements further:ClassDescriptionExample .font-weight-bold Bold text Try it .font-weight-bolder Bolder text Try it .font-italic Italic text Try it .font-weight-light Light weight text Try it .font-weight-lighter Lighter weight text ...
Bootstrap's Default SettingsBootstrap's global default font-size is 14px, with a line-height of 1.428.This is applied to the and all paragraphs.In addition, all elements have a bottom margin that equals half their computed line-height (10px by default).TypographyThe...
查询API发现像 public final class String 、 public final class Math 、public final class Scanner等,很多我们学习过的类,都是被final修饰的,目的就是供我们使用,而不让我们所以改变其内容。 修饰方法 格式如下: 修饰符 final 返回值类型 方法名(参数列表){ //方法体 } 1. 2. 3. 案例的代码如下: 定...
To bold text for decoration, use the CSS font-weight property. Say you want to bold a word in a paragraph — you can wrap the word in tags and use a CSS class selector to apply the font-weight property to the specific span element only. Here’s the HTML an...
BootstrappingMode BrowseLibraryGuids80 BuildableProjectCfgOpts BuildableProjectCfgOpts2 BuildOutputGroup CANDIDATEFORM ColorableItemInfo COMMANDWINDOWMODE CompEnum ComponentSelectorGuids80 COMREFERENCE COMREFERENCEINFO Constants CTLBLDTYPE DBGMODE DEBUG_LAUNCH_OPERATION ... Although this is the original repository, we need the project to be tiny and focused on the needs of the MindMup tool, which means that we do not want to complicate it with all the various bits and pieces needed for other usages and older ...
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