本文认为GNA-RNN方法存在一些不足:1)对图像空间中的关键属性感知能力不强(如文本是“黄色衬衫”,会将“黄色短裤”的行人误判);2)对image-word pair关联度过于敏感(对于一个关键词分配的权重可能会非常大。当一张图像完美匹配了绝大部分关键词时,可能会比匹配所有关键词但不完美时关联度更高)。 本文提出了一个...
Text-Based Person Search with Limited Data brandonhanx/textreid • • 20 Oct 2021 Firstly, to fully utilize the existing small-scale benchmarking datasets for more discriminative feature learning, we introduce a cross-modal momentum contrastive learning framework to enrich the training data for ...
The core difficulty of text-based person search is how to achieve fine-grained alignment of visual and linguistic modal data, so as to bridge the gap of modal heterogeneity. Most existing works on this task focus on global and local features extraction and matching, ignoring the importance of ...
The current text-based person re-identification (re-ID) models tend to learn salient features of image and text, which however is prone to failure in identifying persons with very similar dress, because their image contents with observable but indescribable difference may have identical textual ...
Text-based person search aims to retrieve images of a certain pedestrian by a textual description. The key challenge of this task is to eliminate the inter-modality gap and achieve the feature alignment across modalities. In this paper, we propose a semantic-aligned embedding method for text-bas...
Introduction 1) Motivation: 现有大部分visual textual跨模态方法只采用了单一尺度的特征,比如只采用全局尺度或者只采用局部尺度。本文提出了一种动态对齐图文多尺度特征的方法:Non-local Alignment over Full-Scale Represent
This is the official PyTorch implementation of the paperRaSa: Relation and Sensitivity Aware Representation Learning for Text-based Person Search (IJCAI 2023). This repository supports training and evaluation on three text-based person search benchmarks: CUHK-PEDES, ICFG-PEDES and RSTPReid. ...
CONTAINS和CONTAINSTABLE支持前置詞搜尋。 搜尋特定單字的字形變化 (衍生詞彙) 您可以使用CONTAINS、CONTAINSTABLE、FREETEXT或FREETEXTTABLE搜尋動詞的所有不同時態和變化或名詞的單複數形式 (變化形式搜尋),或是特定字詞的同義字形式 (同義字搜尋)。 下列範例會在Comments資料庫中ProductReview資料表的AdventureWorks資料行內,搜...
the multi model deep learning architecture was introduced by combining the statistical based text feature and a predefined model feature to improve the performance in predicting a personality of a person. In this research five classifiers will be made for this personality prediction system where each ...
適用於:SQL Server Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體使用述詞 CONTAINS 和FREETEXT 以及具有 SELECT 陳述式的資料列集值函式 CONTAINSTABLE 和FREETEXTTABLE,以撰寫全文檢索查詢。 本文提供每個述詞和函式的範例,並協助您選擇最適合的來使用。若要比對單字和片語,請使用 CONTAINS 和CONTAINSTABLE。 若要比對意...