Another approach named image-based person search [1], [2], [3] is a special content-based image retrieval [4] application, which can quickly locate the designated person by comparing the visual features of query image and images in the database. However, in practical application scenarios, ...
本文认为GNA-RNN方法存在一些不足:1)对图像空间中的关键属性感知能力不强(如文本是“黄色衬衫”,会将“黄色短裤”的行人误判);2)对image-word pair关联度过于敏感(对于一个关键词分配的权重可能会非常大。当一张图像完美匹配了绝大部分关键词时,可能会比匹配所有关键词但不完美时关联度更高)。 本文提出了一个...
表示query, 表示key, 表示value,U表示sub-sentence包含的token, 表示第 i 个token是否包含在U内。 由此提取出不同尺度的文本特征向量集合: 。 4) 上下文非局部注意力机制 (Contextual Non-Local Attention Mechanism): 通过线性投影,将图像特征集合映射为query和value,即: ...
Text-based person search aims to find person images that match a specific text description from person databases, and it has received a lot of attention from academia and industry in recent years. However, this task faces two challenges simultaneously: fine-grained retrieval ...
This is the official PyTorch implementation of the paperRaSa: Relation and Sensitivity Aware Representation Learning for Text-based Person Search (IJCAI 2023). This repository supports training and evaluation on three text-based person search benchmarks: CUHK-PEDES, ICFG-PEDES and RSTPReid. ...
Text-based person search aims to retrieve images of a certain pedestrian by a textual description. The key challenge of this task is to eliminate the inter-modality gap and achieve the feature alignment across modalities. In this paper, we propose a semantic-aligned embedding method for text-bas...
FREETEXT和FREETEXTTABLE預設會尋找所有指定之單字的變化詞彙。CONTAINS和CONTAINSTABLE支援選擇性INFLECTIONAL引數。 搜尋特定單字的同義字 「同義字」會針對詞彙定義使用者指定的同義字。 如需同義字檔案的詳細資訊,請參閱設定及管理全文檢索搜尋的同義字檔案。
Creating the Babel Fish, a tool that helps individuals translate speech between any two languages, requires advanced technological innovation and linguistic expertise. Although conventional speech-to-speech translation systems composed of multiple subsys
適用於:SQL Server Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體使用述詞 CONTAINS 和FREETEXT 以及具有 SELECT 陳述式的資料列集值函式 CONTAINSTABLE 和FREETEXTTABLE,以撰寫全文檢索查詢。 本文提供每個述詞和函式的範例,並協助您選擇最適合的來使用。若要比對單字和片語,請使用 CONTAINS 和CONTAINSTABLE。 若要比對意...
Dacun/Text-based-Person-Search • 27 Sep 2021 Finding target persons in full scene images with a query of text description has important practical applications in intelligent video surveillance. However, different from the real-world scenarios where the bounding boxes are not available, existing ...