GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
项目地址:没发) 解析文章标题: USER: Unified Semantic Enhancement with Momentum Contrast for Image-Text Retrieval 基于动量对比的统一语义增强手段解决图像-文本检索问题 基于动量对比:动量对比学习是一个训练范式,整篇文章都在该框架。解决问题2 统一的语义增强:文本、图像的语...
相当于用 tag 指导 image 生成 text; Image-Text Alignment:用了BLIP 中 Encoder 结构,image embedding 与 text embeding送入encoder。用粗粒度的 Image-Text Contrastive(ITC) Loss 和细粒度的 Image-Text Matching(ITM) Loss 分别进行监督。 训练目标: Image tagging:对每个类别进行非对称交叉熵损失 Image-Tag-...
其有多个版本,分为m3e-small、m3e-base、m3e-large,m3e GitHub地址:GitHub - wangyingdong/m3e-base,其 使用in-batch负采样的对比学习的方式在句对数据集进行训练,为了保证in-batch负采样的效果,使用A100来最大化batch-size,并在共计2200W+的句对数据集(包含中文百科,金融,医疗,法律,新闻,学术等多个领域)...
Second, to filter out the interference information within the representation extracted from the two modalities of data, we propose an interference filtration module based on the gated mechanism. According to our experimental results, significant improvements in terms of retrieval tasks can be achieved ...
There has been a considerable advancement in AI technologies like LLM and machine learning to support biomedical knowledge discovery. We propose a novel biomedical neural search service called ‘VAIV Bio-Discovery’, which supports enhanced knowledge dis
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
论文链接:[2105.11628] TIPCB: A Simple but Effective Part-based Convolutional Baseline for Text-based Person Search ( 代码链接: 我非常懒,很长一段时间没看论文,并且前段时间在打华为承办的中国-东盟数字创新大赛。这篇文章是行人再辨识,以文搜图的CVPR2021文章,实验室有...