react preact vue angular svelte solid justin-schroeder •0.8.2•8 months ago•134dependents•MITpublished version0.8.2,8 months ago134dependentslicensed under $MIT 840,707 vue-pose A declarative animation library for Vue popmotion
Note: Icon component expands and covers the input. So, the icon should not have any blank spaces for the animation experience. This is the limitation for Makiko. Isao import{Isao}from'react-native-textinput-effects';constisaoInput=(<Isaolabel={'First Name'}// this is applied as active bord...
Generate 3D textures for your game in seconds thanks to AI. ❔ lumalabs Imagine 3D V1.2 (Alpha). An early experiment to prototype and create 3D with text Access to generation is gradually expanding to everyone on the waitlist. ✅ plask AI-Powered Mocap Animation Tool. Easily extract moti...
reactjs-typewriter-effect typing animation effect dynamic styled customizable user-interface typography View more mukul_sharma06• 1.2.0 • 4 months ago • 0 dependents • MITpublished version 1.2.0, 4 months ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT 33 react-native-typing-animated-text A React ...
Source File: animatableExample.js From Alfredo-Mobile with MIT License 6 votes // Example ExamplesRegistry.addPluginExample('Animatable', () => <View> <Animatable.View animation='fadeIn' iterationCount='infinite' direction='alternate' style={[styles.button, styles.fadeInButton]} > <Text ...
The JavaScript TextBox control floats placeholder text at the top of the input box with an animation when the input receives focus or has a value. The floating label ensures that the input value and label are always visible. Floating label TextBox control example ...
Useful tools that run right in your files More plugins Import & export Accessibility Prototyping & animation Whiteboarding Brainstorming Ideate, then pick your favorites Diagramming Map out complex flows Fun & games Take a break (or break the ice) ...
My task involves manipulation of gene sequencing data. The description of the task is simplified to focus on key issues.I have text data relating to a...
Transform all characters in an element to uppercase: document.getElementById("demo").style.textTransform="uppercase"; Try it Yourself » Example Return the text transformation of an element: alert(document.getElementById("demo").style.textTransform); ...
I am having a very hard time text wrapping. For some reason, one column has text that does not align with the row below it, also in the same box. I have...