Tailwind Text align The text-align utility class in Tailwind CSS allows you to control the horizontal alignment of text within an element. With Tailwind's text-align class, you can easily align text to the left, center, right, or justify it. Applying Text Align To apply the text alignment...
text-align: right; text-justify text-align: justify; text-start text-align: start; text-end text-align: end; Examples Left aligning text Use thetext-leftutility to left align the text of an element: So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys, I was terrified. ...
text-centertext-align: center; text-righttext-align: right; text-justifytext-align: justify; text-starttext-align: start; text-endtext-align: end; Functionality Of Tailwind CSS Text Alignment Classes text-left:This class aligns text to the left within its container. ...
Apart from centering text, we can also align it left, right, or justify it. For left alignment, we can set thetext-anchorproperty to "start". For right alignment, we can set it to "end". For justified text, we can set it to "justify". ...
scroll-snap-align scroll-snap-stop scroll-snap-type touch-action user-select will-change SVG fill stroke stroke-width Accessibility forced-color-adjust Typography Utilities for controlling the offset of a text underline. ClassStyles underline-offset-<number> ...
“bullet text in flutter example” Code Answer, class DottedText extends Text { const DottedText(String data, { Key key, TextStyle style, TextAlign textAlign, TextDirection textDirection, Using CSS to Conceal Multiple Elements on the index.html Page: Unveiling Hidden Elements and Keeping ...
(left, right, center, justify) The vertical-align property is used to align the text vertically at top, bottom, baseline, middle. ExampleOpen Compiler <!DOCTYPE html> th{ vertical-align: bottom; border: 2px solid; width: 200px; height: 150px; } Text Alignment Text Left Alignmen...
className="inline-block cursor-pointer leading-none ml-1 align-middle" onMouseDown={() => { updatePresentingDocument && updatePresentingDocument(Number(innerText)); }} >
Built-in settings are available to justify content or align it to the left, center, or right. Enter and Shift+Enter key configuration The JavaScript HTML5 editor allows the tag inserted when pressing the Enter key and Shift + Enter key to be customized. The following tags can be configured...
The background color changes (bg-n10/80andbg-paleBlue) align with making the UI more subtle. However, please ensure that these new colors maintain sufficient contrast ratios with the text for accessibility compliance. ✅ Verification successful ...