The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of the inline-level content inside a block element or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.
The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of the inline-level content inside a block element or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.
text-align:center; // 居中对齐 text-align:justify; // 两端对齐 text-align: justify-all; // 两端对齐 同时强制最后一行两端对齐 text-align: start; // 开始处对齐,相对direction:rtl和ltr而言 text-align: end; // 结尾处对齐,现对于direction text-align: match-parent; // 有点类似于inherit 前面4...
CanvasRenderingContext2D.textAlign是 Canvas 2D API 描述绘制文本时,文本的对齐方式的属性。注意,该对齐是基于CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillText方法的x的值。所以如果textAlign="center",那么该文本将画在 x-50%*width。 译者注:这里的textAlign="center"比较特殊。textAlign的值为center时候文本的居中是基于你在fil...
text-align: center; } /* 添加下划线 */ .underline { text-decoration: underline; } /* 首行缩进 */ .indent { text-indent: 2em; } /* 文本阴影 */ .shadow { text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000; } /* 全部大写 */ .uppercase { ...
text-align: center; } However, if you have just a line or two to center then you could still use the old fashioned deprecated code such as this: <p align="center">Center this text</p> You will benefit most if you start using CSS in your web design. ...
<h2 id="myShow" style="text-align: center"></h2> </div> </body> <script> const al = [ "a1ā", "a2á", "a3ǎ", "a4à", "o1ō", "o2ó", "o3ǒ", "o4ò", "e1ē", "e2é", "e3ě", "e4è", "i1ī", "i2í", "i3ǐ", "i4ì", "u1ū", "u2ú", "u3ǔ", "u...
The text-align-last CSS property sets how the last line of a block or a line, right before a forced line break, is aligned.
text-align-last:center; text-align-last:justify; /* Global values */ text-align-last:inherit; text-align-last:initial; text-align-last:unset; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. text-align
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