About Microsoft Dataverse Table/Entity Reference Account ACIViewMapper Action Approval Model (msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodel) Action Card (ActionCard) ActionCardUserState Activity (ActivityPointer) Activity File Attachment (activityfileattachment) Activity Party (ActivityParty) Ad Placement (mspp_adplaceme...
NetworkExtension NotificationCenter ObjCRuntime Opengl OpenTK PdfKit 照片 PhotosUI PrintCore QTKit 擷取者 QuickLook QuickLookUI SafariServices SceneKit ScriptingBridge SearchKit 安全性 社交 SpriteKit StoreKit 系統 System.Net.Http SystemConfiguration UserNotifications VideoSubscriberAccount VideoToolbox 視覺 Web...
AddMultiTrust(MLLMs Datasets | Evaluation Datasets);OBELISC(MLLMs Datasets | Pre-training Corpora);MultiMed(MLLMs Datasets | Evaluation Datasets). AddDCLM(Pre-training Corpora | General Pre-training Corpora | Webpages). AddLithuanian-QA-v1(Instruction Fine-tuning Datasets | General Instruction Fine...
DCN V2: Improved Deep & Cross Network and Practical Lessons for Web-scale Learning to Rank Systems Towards Deeper, Lighter and Interpretable Click-through Rate Prediction A basic Transformer-based model for recommendation where the problem is faced as a sequence.See the examples for details on how...
The perturbation in texts affects the quality of examples in reason of the problem of non-interpretable adversarial examples. Models are trained to be smooth with examples based on adversarial direction, i.e. the direction where the model is more vulnerable. In a white-box attack, the ...
This paper presents a novel multi-level attention based network for multi-modal depression prediction that fuses features from audio, video and text modalities while learning the intra and inter modality relevance. The multi-level attention reinforces overall learning by selecting the most influential ...
Examples SDKs Account Kit Archived Client APIs support.hwid Overview HuaweiIdAuthManager support.hwid.request Overview HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams HuaweiIdAuthParams HuaweiIdAuthParamsHelper support.hwid.result Overview AuthHuaweiId HuaweiIdAuthResult support.hwid.service Overview Hu...
Examples, or guiidance on sending a docx file to a thermal receipt printer? Excel com exception, registry key lacking values {000208D5-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Excel Interop line break in cell Excel sheet with spaces excel stays live as a process when terminating a program during debu...
Examples SDKs Account Kit Archived Client APIs support.hwid Overview HuaweiIdAuthManager support.hwid.request Overview HuaweiIdAuthExtendedParams HuaweiIdAuthParams HuaweiIdAuthParamsHelper support.hwid.result Overview AuthHuaweiId HuaweiIdAuthResult support.hwid.service Overview Hu...
NetworkExtension 在一起 NotificationCenter NUnit NUnit.Framework NUnit.Framework.Api NUnit.Framework.Builders NUnit.Framework.Constraints NUnit.Framework.Extensibility NUnit.Framework.Internal NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands NUnit.Framework.Internal.Filters NUnit.Framework.Internal.WorkItems NUnitLite.Runne...