Research shows that personal injury victims receive more in compensation when they have an attorney. In Texas, if your employer has workers' compensation, the state provides you the services of an ombudsman. The ombudsman is not an attorney and lacks the education, training, experience, as well...
Call Abbott, Clay & Bedoy, LLC about your Texas workers comp case. Our Texas workers compensation attorneys will help you get the benefits and money you deserve.
Research shows that personal injury victims receive more in compensation when they have an attorney. In Texas, if your employer has workers' compensation, the state provides you the services of an ombudsman. The ombudsman is not an attorney and lacks the education, training, experience, as well...
Functions of the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission will move to the new Division of Workers' Compensation at the Texas Department of Insurance. A new state agency, the Office of Injured Employee Counsel, was set up to assist injured workers and administer an ombudsman program....