While at the event, a student asked Cruz what the state's plan would be if state officials wanted to secede. Cruz said he's "not there yet" with such plans because the state is preventing the country from "going off the cliff." "I think Texas has a responsibility to the country and...
Of course, one could easily draw Texas’ new boundaries in any number of ways other than how I’ve drawn them. For example, if one wanted to create five states of roughly equal population, Fort Worth and Arlington could be split from Dallas and given to Plainland, while everything to the...
Gov. Greg Abbott: For one, as governor of the state of Texas, I have-- the authority to control ingress and egress-- to any land in the state of Texas. For another, this land we're on right now was used by the federal government to further illegal activity, and I wanted to put ...
1、Texas Governor Rick Perry said the state of Texas could secede from the Union if it wanted to.德克·萨斯的州长瑞克·派瑞曾说只要德克萨斯州想要脱离联邦就应该可以这么做。这是咱们想要的吗? 2、Texas Pacific Group has acquired a 10 percent stake in Brazilian carrier Azul.德克萨斯太平洋集团(下称...
Welcome to The Resistance By Jake Ever since Donald Trump became president there's been an elite group standing up to his agenda of hatred and class warfare: The Resistance. To join The Resistance one needs to do little more... Read More ...
1.1.2afrayedknotreplied toJohnRussell@1.1.1last year “INDEPENDENCE FOR TEXAS !” Just secede already. We’d all be better off. Senior Guide 1.1.3Drinker of the Wryreplied toJohnRussell@1.1.1last year Yawn, oh pardon me. Professor Principal ...
who claimed self-defense. There are a number of really interesting details regarding Daniel Perry’s state of mind and some of the things that he had texted and sent via social media messages to friends suggesting that he wanted to “kill” or shoot what he viewed as rioters, which played...
(Due to the litigation, he was unable to release the other four.) “We were trying to find a way where there were no losers,” he says, “so the people who wanted to stay with the church could have their property, and those who wanted to stay with the diocese could have their ...
One day Maury took me to lunch with Sporty Harvey, a San Antonio black man who had been a promising heavyweight boxer in the fifties. He had fought white men in Mexico and had wanted to do the same in Texas, but “mixed” boxing was illegal here then. As a legislator in 1953, Maury...
to "all that territory ceded by France to the United States, under the name of Louisiana" and therefore did not encompass Texas). For their part, some southerners wanted to be able to carve additional slave states out of the huge Texas territory in order to counter the admission of free ...