This article reports on a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) investigation into an accident in which a volunteer fire fighter died in a tanker truck rollover accident. The accident occurred when the victim, responding to a call in the tanker truck, rounded a curve and...
As Chief Jardin noted, mission-driven service is the lifeblood of every firefighter, volunteer, and sworn member, and has been so throughout the history of the Fire Service. Former head of the FBI’s active shooter program,Katherine Schweitjoined AST to signcomplimentary copies...
The explosion at the West Fertilizer Company killed 15 people and injured hundreds. Twelve first responders died that day, including volunteer firefighter Cyrus Reed, who was one of the first on the scene. Ten years later, his sister Sarah relives every moment from that evening. "I was ...
As part of CRB’s corporate service initiative, Frosell has participated in local Ronald McDonald House Charities meal-preparation events. Additionally, she is an active volunteer at the North Texas Food Bank and serves on the University of North Texas Biomedical Engineering Industrial Advisory Board...
Lujan is a retired firefighter, small-business owner and community volunteer. “I believe we need more godly people in office,” Lujan said. District 118 needs more communication between school district superintendents and A&M-SA administrators, Lujan said. “We should have parades of high schoo...
find a way to increase pay and save a failing police and fire pension system. Former Chief David Brown, who became a national figure in the aftermath, was among those who opted to retire. And interim Dallas Police Association president Frederick Frazier said that morale is "almost nonexistent...
Kimberly Huckabee a firefighter volunteer lost her arm...Brian DeSpain