but they will also face the possibility of a driver's license suspension of one year. To regain their license, they must complete 10 hours of community service as a requirement of the Texas Transportation Code.
Texas Transportation Code Section 547.322states that buses, trucks, trailers and semi-trailers with a width of at least 80 feet should have two clearance lamps on the front at each side, two rear clearance lamps at each side, four side marker lamps located on each side near the front or re...
Street racing in Texas is defined by law as a speed contest, competition or race. Any exhibition or contest of speed is punishable byTexas Transportation Code, Sec. 545.420. Street racing is not uncommon with young drivers, but it is not legal and getting caught in a street race can have ...
The Transportation Department is stepping up enforcement of persistent flight delays with a lawsuit against Southwest Airlines and a fine against Frontier Airlines. The agency said the U.S. District Court lawsuit it filed in California on Wednesday alleges that Southwest illegally operated chronical...
tour of Europe, she returned to the States for one final road trip. Above left, Guinan in the 1933 filmBroadway Through a Keyhole, which would open just three days before her death. At right, headline from theRochester Democrat and Chronicletrumpeting Guinan’s French debacle. (pre-code.com...
The Texas Transportation Code also allows for an additional license suspension the same length as the first. For example, if your license was suspended for six months, and you are convicted of driving during that suspension, your license will be suspended for another six months after the original...
According to the Texas Department of Transportation, more people drive in the cities, which means accidents are more likely. Not only is Texas tenth in the nation in terms of auto theft, but it has a higher rate of traffic fatalities in the country — 14 percent above the national average...
The Transportation Department is stepping up enforcement of persistent flight delays with a lawsuit against Southwest Airlines and a fine against Frontier Airlines. The agency said the U.S. District Court lawsuit it filed in California on Wednesday alleges that Southwest illegally ...
The Transportation Department is stepping up enforcement of persistent flight delays with a lawsuit against Southwest Airlines and a fine against Frontier Airlines.The agency said the U.S. District Court lawsuit it filed in California on Wednesday alleges that Southwest illegally operated chroni...
Acompliance dismissalinvolves an offense relating to a failure to maintain financial responsibility. The Texas Transportation Code allows the court to dismiss the offense if the defendant shows the court verified proof of financial responsibility at the time of the stop. A defendant who enters a plea...