You may, or may not, have known that these traffic laws existed in Texas but if ignored they carry a pretty hefty fine! Make Sure You Transfer that Title! AVNphotolab Make Sure You Transfer that Title! You could still be responsible for traffic violations even after selling your vehicle if...
This search can be narrowed to show traffic violations only. (Staff) How many Comanche and Cherokee Indians resided in the Carlo Drive area when the city was annexed to Texas in 1845? The answer may be more historical than statistical. Archived historical data is ...
The Texas court system is one of the largest in the country, comprisingapproximately 2,800 courtswith varying levels of jurisdiction that collectively handle a broad range of cases, from minor civil disputes and traffic violations to serious criminal matters. Understanding the hierarchical structure of...
or a combination of lamps, that emit an amber or white light at a distance of 1,000 feet from the front of the vehicle and 1,000 feet from its rear. The vehicle should have at least one lamp installed as closely as possible to the side nearest to passing traffic. ...
We are a law firm in El Paso offering legal assistance for traffic tickets, including moving violations, no insurance, registration citations, and more!
Canva Paying a Ticket Is a Guilty Plea Paying a traffic ticket is the easy way to take if you don't want to go to court and fight it. If you do pay your fine though, it will waive your right to a hearing by entering a guilty plea. I know this seems like common sense, but bel...
If you have an at-fault accident, DUI, or speeding violation on record or have other traffic violations like rolling through a stop sign, insurers may charge you more for car insurance. The difference between premiums for drivers with and without an incident on record isn’t insignificant. ...
SR-22 insurance is not a policy itself but a certificate of financial responsibility filed by your insurance provider on your behalf with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDOT). It is required for high-risk drivers who have committed serious traffic violations, such as DUI/DWI, reckless...
crossing illegally, he said. It could also be enforced elsewhere in Texas if someone is arrested on suspicion of another violation and a fingerprint taken during jail booking links them to a suspected re-entry violation. It likely would not come into play du...
I help getting traffic warrants recalled so you can renew your license and register your vehicle. The process is fast and simple. You can call my office and one of my friendly staff will be happy to assist you and look for any outstanding violations you might have in the El Paso County ...