Home Glossary Release Information
Home Glossary Release Information
We provide our Services including, without limitation, our Service Content for educational, entertainment and/or promotional purposes only. You may not rely on any information and opinions expressed through any of our Services for any other purpose. In all instances, it is your responsibility to ev...
Yet they were to seek aid only from their spiritual allies. Everyone was sworn to secrecy. “The information that we have been given for our battle purposes is SACRED. It is not to be given out or viewed by anyone outside of our teachers’ class . . . The rituals, and the equipment...
Campus ID of Restraint indicates the uniquecampus identification number of the campus at which a specialeducation student was restrained for emergency purposes. This campus ID may ormay notreflect the campus ID where thespecial education student was enrolled (within the district) butdoesreflect the ...
Required The current grade level of the student's enrollment. Alphanumeric, 2 charactersStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Grade Database: Enrollment. grade CampusIDof Enrollment Required The unique school identification number made up the the district number and school number of the school...
Home Glossary Release Information
When a Day is created with the Instruction checkbox marked or a Day Event that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code is added to a day. If more than one day event is found, reports from the most recent event only. Days can be set either manually or by the Day Reset tool. ...
Data only sends for the years that have valid configuration. When using data in Campus that has a single date, the following logic is applied to determine the scope year(s) in which to report data: Current Year: The record must overlap the current year. ...
Where Buyer submits its order through TI.com, TI’s order confirmation is for informational purposes only and does not constitute TI’s acceptance of Buyer’s order or confirmation of an offer to sell and/or deliver an Item. Acceptance takes place only when TI either (i) sends a confirmati...