I came across a video sharedon Reddittoday of a totally hilarious crazy lady that frequents different universities to preach the good word to the kiddos. She came to Texas Tech a couple of weeks ago and was a total hit. Or something like that. ...
Fog Data Science, a location-tracking company, provides services to police departments by using geolocation data from smartphones to identify places visited by suspects, including sensitive locations like doctors’ offices. The company uses a “Project Intake Form” that asks police to provide location...
But if you search “metapod ufo,” you’ll get a ton of hits, including several discussions on the UFO subreddit.If you look at the picture of this metapod UFO that was spotted in 2015, you’ll see that the shape resembles the Pokémon character....
With many signals so faint they're easily drowned out by any ambient noise, these scientists abide by the National Radio Quiet Zone, a code of science that bars normal everyday tech devices so they can conduct their work without interference. #39. Montana Canva #39. Montana - UFO sightings...