U. Texas police dept. receives accreditationPhilip Jankowski
EMERGENCIES(Police, Fire, EMS/Medical)Dial 911BURNET CENTRAL FIRE STATION: 2002 US-281 S, Burnet, TX 78611 BURNET POLICE DEPT: 512-756-6404; Burnet, TX 78611. cityofburnet.com/public_safety/police_dept.htm, Facebook BURNET VOLUNTEER FIRE & EMS DEPARTMENTS: Admin: 512-756-2662; 104 S ...
18:57Police Reports: Assaults in Killeen, Lampasas; drug paraphernalia in Cove 18:57Boil-water notice issued for Bonner Drive in Killeen 18:57Darnall to host flu and COVID-19 vaccination event Saturday 18:57Large tent at Killeen Mall signals arrival of circus ...
LLANO POLICE DEPT: 325-247-3028, 123 Robinson Park Dr, Llano, TX 78643 LLANO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT: 325-247-4646; 301 W Main, Llano, TX 78643. cityofllano.com/index.php/citygovernment/cityservices/fire CRISIS HOTLINES: click Hotlines-EmergenciesGOLF COURSESLLANO RIVER GOLF COURSE: 325-247...
(Santa) had gone into the vault to fill his sack with cash. When he came out, all hell broke loose. One of the robbers saw someone outside of the bank and fired through the window. That shot was answered, and a full-blown gunfight broke out. Citizens and police were firing down on...
accused of raping texas tech girl - did not do it - Timothy Cole Act: - fought for compensation for the wrongfully accused compensate wrongfully convicted felons Todd Willingham accused of setting his house on fire that killed his 3 daughter - texas killed him - 10 years later- family's...
Cantuwas convicted of an armed robbery murder; however, the eyewitnesses who fingered him have since recanted. It is quite possible Cantu died innocent of the crime for which he was convicted, instead possibly framed in an act of police retaliation. ...
Cantuwas convicted of an armed robbery murder; however, the eyewitnesses who fingered him have since recanted. It is quite possible Cantu died innocent of the crime for which he was convicted, instead possibly framed in an act of police retaliation. ...
Cantuwas convicted of an armed robbery murder; however, the eyewitnesses who fingered him have since recanted. It is quite possible Cantu died innocent of the crime for which he was convicted, instead possibly framed in an act of police retaliation. ...
LEANDER POLICE DEPT: Admin: 512-528-2800; Leander, TX 78646. leandertx.gov/police, Facebook CRISIS HOTLINES: click Hotlines-EmergenciesGOLF COURSESCRYSTAL FALLS GOLF CLUB: 512-259-5855; 3400 Crystal Falls, Leander, TX 78646. crystalfallsgolf.com. 18-holes, with water hazards that come ...