尽管德州大学的建校批文早在1839年就已经下达,但是由于一系列阻力,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校直到半个世纪之后才得以建成。1883年,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校开始招生,当时只有一处大楼、八位教授以及221名学生。 今天,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校已经成为蜚声世界的研究型高等教育学府,每年服务学生超过5.5万人,教职员约为3,000人。
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years, UT Austin has provided first-class education and world-class research. Attracting the top talent from around the globe, we value a culture of learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity and responsibility to transform lives and society. Living in Austin's not bad either...
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Austin Aquarium: Interactive Fun and Exotic Creatures PostedSeptember 26, 2024AuthorKendall DavisCategoriesAustin,Central Texas,Texas Visitors to the Austin Aquarium will find much more than marine life. They experience engagement by participating in hands-on interactions where they directly touch or feed...
Teachers, parents and advocates testified on the school choice idea, which has repeatedly been batted down in Texas.
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Texas at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.