Texas Court of Appeals Holds That a Hospital Had No Duty to Protect from Harm Three Individuals, Including an Ex-Wife, Who a Depressed, Paranoid, and Suicidal Patient Murdered after Leaving the HospitalThe California Supreme Court in 1976 ruled that mental health providers in California must take...
The Supreme Court of Texas Blog covers the pending Texas Supreme Court petitions that will shape Texas law, as well as other questions of Texas appellate law
Texas has established its business courts and formally appointed judges in major cities and the Fifteenth Court of Appeals to exclusively review business-related cases. The Texas Supreme Court has implemented specific rules for the business courts, which streamline legal proceedings for busines...
On June 14, 2024, the Supreme Court of Texas issued its opinion inPUC of Tex. v. Luminant Energy Co. LLC, No. 23-0231, 2024 Tex. LEXIS 465 (June 14, 2024). This high-profile case reviewed the Austin Court of Appeals’ striking down of the Public Utility Commissio...
The lower-court order had been upheld by the Austin-based 3rd Texas Court of Appeals. The high-court court ruling upholds a restriction Abbott imposed on Oct. 1, just before early voting in the Nov. 3 general election was to open. ...
how oftendoes the Supreme Court reverse the decision of thelower courts? How to findTexas appellateopinions&case lawon-line and review them forfree TEXAS FOURTEEN COURTS OF APPEALS (in numerical order, with links to official court web sites) ...
Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh wrote that they were sending the case back down the food chain to an appeals court for a prompt ruling on whether the law should be paused while an appeal of the trial judge’s ruling moves forward....
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced on October 18, 2024, that it would seek intervention from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in response to a Texas federal judge’s recent decision that effectively nullified...
The high court directed the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to review Villareal's case in light of theSupreme Court's rulingin June in another case from Texas. In June, the justices gave a former local elected official another chance to pursue her lawsuit claimin...
partial victory for abortion providers. The same federal judge who already has once blocked the law almost certainly will be asked to do so again. But then his decision will be reviewed by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which has twice voted to allow enforcement of the abortion ...