Local WIC clinic: 830-460-7378; 1207 Cottonwood St, Bandera, TX 78003 TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPT (TPWD): 512-288-0895; tpwd.state.tx.us. See Parks. Provides technical assistance to landowners in all aspects of native wildlife and habitat management, including game, non-game, and ...
Local WIC clinic: 830-257-4400; 140 Industrial Loop, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 TEXAS DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (DPS): 512-424-2000; 5805 N Lamar, Austin, TX 78752. txdps.state.tx.us. Responsible for statewide law enforcement and vehicle regulation. ...
Your path to a healthier smile starts here. DentaQuest provides comprehensive dental coverage for Medicaid and CHIP dental members across the state of Texas. Choose DentaQuest and let us show you dental done better.Join Today Why Choose DentaQuest? We are ready to help. We know taking care ...
Welcome to Piland, Adams & Associates, Inc We provide quality healthcare consultation throughout the state of Texas. Whether you are a hospital, nursing home, WIC, assisted living, adult day care, IDD ICF / HCS, home health, head start, congregate feeding site, school, prison or jail, di...
Texas Department of State Health Services, Infectious Disease Control Unit. (2005, October 13b). Texas Viral Hepatitis Cases (1992-1999) - Main Window. Retrieved December 1, 2005, from http://www.ehdp.com/vn/ro/txu1/fx1/khw/index.htm....
As a new self-proclaimed Austinite, waiting for the semester at Texas State University to begin, I decided it was time to get involved in something meaningful. So, what to do in one of thefastest growing citiesin America? Volunteer.
Web: llano.agrilife.org, Email: llano-tx@tamu.edu TEXAS DEPT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES - WOMEN, INFANTS & CHILDREN (WIC) PROGRAM: HQ: 800-942-3678; 1100 W 49th St, Austin, TX 78756. dshs.state.tx.us/wichd Nutrition education, breast feeding support and education, WIC foods – ...
Local WIC clinic: 830-257-4400; 1415 E Blanco Rd, Ste #6, Boerne, TX 78006 Boerne: 830-249-3511 TEXAS DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (DPS): 512-424-2000; 5805 N Lamar, Austin, TX 78752. txdps.state.tx.us. Responsible for statewide law enforcement and vehicle regulation. ...
dshs.state.tx.us/wichd Local: , REGION IV, 325-396-4692; Court House, Menard, TX 76859 TEXAS DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (DPS): 512-424-2000; 5805 N Lamar, Austin, TX 78752. txdps.state.tx.us. Responsible for statewide law enforcement, vehicle regulation, driver's licenses. ...
WorkInTexas.com is a powerful online job matching and workforce services system, accessed as a website on the Internet. Questions? Contact: skillsenhancement@twc.texas.gov. TWC Work In Texas. Includes access to state and private job listings, job search resources, benefits, and more. ...