We chose to deliver the training in a Web-based format because previous data11,12 indicated this approach was preferred and it had the potential to reach all health educators within the state. Moreover, this approach has been successfully adopted in past studies in genomics education for other ...
Sign up for a free U.S. News account to save your list of schools in the college compare tool. Add to Compare Comparing 2 Schools Florida State University Tallahassee, FLSave Texas A&M University College Station, TXSave + Add a School Quick Stats U.S. News Ranking in...
(county of residence, education, ethnicity, and annual income) were also collected in the 2017 survey. This 2020 survey was administered electronically via Qualtrics (Qualtrics XM, Utah, USA) and included 28 questions; the survey required less than 15 min to complete. The survey distribution and...
Assessments were distributed and archived using the Qualtrics online survey platform. We analyzed data using Excel statistics and R Studio. Data were compared among four types of waterscapes (lake, wetland, perennial river, and intermittent tributary) to determine how relationships with waterscapes vari...