North Texas lawmaker aims to limit gun-free zonesThe early focus on the bill by Rep. Drew Springer, R-Muenster, underscores the Legislature's attention on weapons legislation.Dallas News
Texas governor Greg Abbott now has enough votes in the state house to advance his ambitious school-choice agenda, after six Republican incumbents who were vocally opposed to school vouchers lost their primary runoff elections on Tuesday. …The governor’s electoral crusade for school choice came ...
Houston Schools Zones Vogel Intermediate Galatas Elementary Wilkerson Intermediate School Glen Loch Elementary York Junior High Lamar Elementary Houston Middle Schools Powell Elementary Conroe School Zones Ride Elementary Houston Schools ZonesHailey Elementary ...
" she said in an interview Friday.The lawsuit accuses New York Dr. Margaret Daley Carpenter of violating Texas law by providing the drugs to a Texas patient and seeks up to $250,000. No criminal charges are involved.Texas bars abortion at all stages of pregnancy and has been one of the...
Three University of Texas at Austin professors have filed lawsuits against the state and there have been three retirements by faculty members of major public universities following the new law, said Chuck Hempstead, executive director for the Texas Association of College Teachers (TACT). ...
Nothing in Texas law would stop Tesla from launching a robotaxi service. The state takes a hands-off regulatory approach that aligns with Musk’s increasingly anti-government political stances as an advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump. ...
Wilkerson Intermediate School Glen Loch Elementary York Junior High Lamar Elementary Houston Middle Schools Powell Elementary Conroe School Zones Ride Elementary Houston Schools ZonesHailey Elementary Houston Elementary Schools Conroe Schools Zones Houston Schools Zones...
This Texas online defensive driving course is very informational. A great refresher course. I believe all drivers should be required to take the course by Texas state law. It would help drastically in the region I live in. It's very clear most drivers don't understand the etiquette and law...
Representative Chris Paddie introduced Texas Statehouse SB 788 (aka Kari’s Law) in the House. It is now ready for the Governor’s signature. Other states are now working on passing this law or variations. Read more here.Youth-Focused Initiatives Houston Station Awards High School Seniors ...
making it easy to enjoy all the state has to offer. And with resort-like amenities like on-site sport courts, fitness facilities, indoor/outdoor swimming pools, walking trails and more, our 55+ communities make staying home just as enjoyable as going out. Meet new friends on the court or...