Jobs, Openings, Help Wanted & Employment in the Texas Hill Country, a Topic Profile By Cofran's Texas Hill Country Portal, A Powerful Directory, Information Database & Gateway Service for the Texas Hill Country
New Texas pilot program will help military veterans find jobsThe Texas Workforce Commission and the Texas Veterans Commission has launched the State of Texas Soldier Employment Initiative (STSEI) as part of a national pilot program to help military veterans find jobs.…Sheryl Jean...
Texas Veterans Leadership Program — Texas Workforce Commission Skip to main navigation. Welcome, we're here to help. Resources, tips and tools to build a stronger Texas workforce. Job Seekers and Employees. Career Exploration and Trends. Employee Rights...
Non-Prior Service (NPS) Prior Service (PS) Basic training is provided for civilians with skills and/or certifications that the Texas State Guard can utilize to support our missions. Appointments to Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officer are available. Prior Service (PS) Retirees & veterans from...
focusing on transitioning your military experience into a Veteran federal resume. Texas is an exquisite state for Veterans. Dallas is a great Veteran’s city and ranked as one of the top cities for Veteran living. We are America’s leading military and Veteran resume-writing team, earning us ...
WXIA also got 12,000 people to sign a petition urging Congress to pass the Fairness for Veterans bill, requiring the military to consider PTSD or traumatic brain injury in discharge decisions. The bill passed. Other examples of long-form investigative journalism include Campbell’s four-part ...
Guillen has been a staunch advocate for creating jobs, cutting taxes and red tape, for reducing over-testing and making college more affordable, for fighting to provide healthcare to the uninsured, for working to keep our families and communities safe, f
“There’s lots of companies out there that say they support veterans, but I know for a fact that Intel does, because I’ve seen everything they’ve done for me.” Carlton, Manufacturing Technician Tech that matters. “The coolest thing about the augmented reality program is getting to exp...
Click: Jobs THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO VETERAN'S SERVICES: Our new focus page at Veteran's Guide is a very handy and comprehensive guide to special services in the Texas Hill Country that are oriented to military veterans. Awesome tool! Hope it helps our wonderful veterans. We thank you for ...
This week, the veterans at the Watkins Logan Texas State Veterans Home in Tyler were able to experience the technology in the hopes of healing from some of their wartime traumas. Veteran Willie Dubois had the chance to virtually relive his days on the USS Eisenhower, a ship he previously s...