Free Texas business information including Houston, San Antonio, Dallas and Austin. Search the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation database.
Is a business license required in Texas? Whether you need a license (or multiple licenses) to operate a business in Texas depends on your location and business activities. Some small businesses need federal, state, and local licenses, while others don’t need any type of license. How much ...
General Business Licenses:Theofficial government page for the State of Texasprovides specific information regarding permit, license and registration requirements through an extensive collection of links links and contact information. 3) Local Permits The local government in your area, such as that of you...
population in the United States, Texas has a thriving business community. Some of the largest U.S. companies, including Exxon Mobil and Dell, maintain their headquarters in Texas. This state also services many small businesses, particularly in major industries like agriculture and information ...
Meaning, there is no state general business license in Texas. However, depending on where your LLC is located, you may need a local business license or permit. For example, if you want to start a daycare, you may need a business license from the city or county. You can learn more on...
Texas is calling entrepreneurs—and for good reason. The state’s business-friendly tax environment makes it an ideal place to build your dream business. “Texas doesn’t collect personal or business income taxes, and that’s one of the big advantages here for businesses,” says Steve Lawrence...
Food businesses are highly regulated. Because of the potential health risks to the public, federal and state legislatures require food establishments to have various permits and licenses. The city of Houston laws state, "More than one permit may be requi
This Constitutional Carry does not have as many benefits or protections then the Texas License to Carry LTC. Can I carry a gun in my pocket in Texas? In the Great State of Texas, you can either carry a concealed weapon or an open one. The requirement that the holster be a “belter or...
Secretary of State Corporation & Business Entity Search You can find information on any corporation or business entity in Texas or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered. Use the links below to jump ...
Texas is America's best state for business. See why operating in Texas is the best decision for your company.