Senate Bill 1 (Passed) House Bill 1* ESA amount is $8,000 per student, per year. Unused funds rollover. ESA amount is 75% of statewide spending per student: approx $10,000-$11,000. No rollover. Total allocated is $500 million (about 63,000 students statewide) Public education get...
The school's per-student spending for the 2020-2021 school year was $9,962, and it has a student-teacher ratio of 13.7 for the 2022-2023 school year. These factors may contribute to the school's academic underperformance and suggest opportunities for improvement in areas such as curriculum,...
Expenses per student $13,015 Spending by Category Category Amount Instruction $57.8 million Support services $40.5 million Other Spending $4.4 million 0 25 50 75 100 Percent (Conducted using Google Surveys - November 2018) © OpenStreetMap contributors +− District Map Texas City Independent...
Revenue per student $10,487 Total current expenses $138,054,000 Expenses per student $8,378 Spending by Category Category Amount Instruction $84.2 million Support services $50.2 million Other Spending $3.6 million 0 25 50 75 100 Percent (Conducted using Google Surveys - November 2018) ©...
Discover why Eanes ISD in Austin, Texas is the top choice for parents seeking a quality education. With a low student-to-teacher ratio of 15:1 and above-average spending per student, this district stands out among the best school districts in the state.
$ 9,376 Public School Spending Per Student All career and salary information pulled from the Bureau of Labor StatisticsExternal link:open_in_new 2019 pupil expenditure information was provided by GoverningExternal link:open_in_new TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCYExternal link:open_in_new 1701 N. Congress ...
We find that poor studentsactually shifted towards higher-return programs following deregulation, relative to non-poor students.Deregulation increased grant aid for low-income students and also enabled supply-side enhancementssuch as more spending per student, which may have partially offset ...
Department of Education data, per-student spending at both UT-Austin and Texas A&M are well above those at the flagship University of Oklahoma, and even farther above some schools that score higher in natational rankings (e.g., the University of Illinois). Moreover, Texas public universities...
Texas school districts don’t have to use it but will receive $60 per student if they do. News TxDOT estimates 19th Street Construction project will wrap up by Spring 2026 Updated: Nov. 22, 2024 at 12:01 PM GMT+8| By Shaley Kidwell Business owners learned on Thursday that the new ...
Examines the impact of court rulings mandating equal spending per student across districts with minority and white students, points out the lack of data measuring academic outcomes, and proposes policies to ensure an adequate education f... K Rueben,S Murray - 《(end of excerpt. the is availa...