Back in 1975 Texas Monthly named the baby-faced McKinnon, then a senator from Corpus Christi, to its biennial list of the worst Texas legislators. McKinnon, now a 50-year-old broadcasting mogul, is having the last laugh. Net of debt, his four television stations, including KIII-TV in ...
“As a matter of fact,” he told me, “it was at the 8F that Lloyd Bentsen was selected to be United States senator.” By this time, of course, Jaworski was approaching seventy, but he still ran to beat the clock. With the help of his law firm’s organizational apparatus, ...
(Senator Warren Magnuson, who said his Commerce Committee would not consider any of the nominees unless Luna was among them, helped Steelman in no small measure.) With three railroad company executives entitled to serve on the current eleven-man Amtrak board by virtue of their ...
Then the unthinkable happened: With a vicious, attacking campaign, a South Texas Democrat, a businessman (and former representative) named Lloyd Bentsen came out of nowhere (actually, he came out of Connally’s hip pocket) and took the senior senator down. Yarborough lost his primary. George...
I guess the two oddest committees Lyndon ever had to put together were the one to decide what to do about Senator Joseph McCarthy and the one he appointed to look into the assassination. On Air Force One with Lyndon and Jackie Kennedy after JFK's assassination (1963). LBJ Library/Cecil ...
and state senator John Whitmire. As the debate intensified, the remote mountain range was transformed from a chunk of brown, lechuguilla-pocked dirt into the embodiment of a righteous principle of public entitlement and landed heritage. This is why Patterson has invited me along: He wants me to...