Texas has reconceptualized rape as an assaultive or violent offense rather than a sexual offense. Like these other states, Texas no long utilizes the term “rape” in its Penal Code. Both types of “rape”, forcible and statutory ,are found in TPC sec. 22.01. and are forms of “...
412-Sexual Conduct Evidence. Sexual history rules Art. V - Privileges 501-General Privileges. Overview of legal privileges 502-Statutory Reports. Protection for certain reports 503-Lawyer–Client. Confidentiality between lawyer and client 504-Spousal. Rights of spouses ...
while Boyd was in the lawful discharge of his official duty as a peace officer. Appellant raises nine grounds of error. He challenges the denial of his pre-trial motion to quash; the exclusion of four potential jurors; the admission into evidence, during the...
No evidence was introduced to the effect that the pumping equipment was defective, and it was neither alleged nor proved that the petitioner was negligent in using defective equipment. Respondent's and petitioner's pleadings are silent on the question of whether or not petitioner used more land ...
412-Sexual Conduct Evidence. Sexual history rules Art. V - Privileges 501-General Privileges. Overview of legal privileges 502-Statutory Reports. Protection for certain reports 503-Lawyer–Client. Confidentiality between lawyer and client 504-Spousal. Rights of spouses 505-Clergy Communications. Protectin...
large number of requirements with no evidence in the record as to the extent of the burden imposed on an applicant. In the interest of fairness to the City and to the Society we conclude that the case should be remanded for an evidentiary hearing for the trial judge to determine whether ...