I agree with the sentiment expressed by FOWget here, the idea is that this is completely foreseeable and application of risk management practices available at the time of construction should have and likely did lead to this being identified as a possibility and a choice was made not to address...
In the chart above the upper and lower bound are each 1 standard deviation (sigma) above and below the “CORRECTED” estimate, this is different from Dean’s chart where the usual 2 sigma upper and lower bound is used. If the probability distribution is normal, the 2 sigma bounds covers ...
Nitrogen and phosphorus were studied in a 168-km stretch of the Guadalupe River that had five main-stream impoundments. Flow through the study area was controlled by releases from these five reservoirs and from Canyon Reservoir, a deep-storage reservoir, located 30 km upstream. Parameters ...
The Payara-1 well targeted similar aged reservoirs that were proven successful in the Liza discovery. The well encountered more than 95 ft of high-quality, oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs. It was drilled to 18,080 ft in 6,660 ft of water. The Payara field discovery is about 10 miles nort...
Officials say nearly all Houston-area waterways inundated by Harvey's record rainfall have crested, but that water levels continue to rise in two flood-control reservoirs. Jeff Lindner of the Harris County Flood Control District says river levels are going down Wednesday "for the first time in ...
LCRA Announces Full Reservoirs On 3/26/17, the Austin American Statesman published an op-ed piece by LCRA’s Board Chairman Timothy Timmerman, announcing that LCRA’s “wholesale power rate in fiscal year 2017 is 24 percent lower than it was in fiscal year 2015,” and that it has also “...
CWMS was used by the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) to make hydrologic forecasts of flows on the Lower Colorado River and operate reservoirs during the June 2007 event in Texas. The LCRA receives real-time observed gridded spatial rainfall data from OneRain, Inc. that which is a ...
there are five ways for CO2sequestration in sedimentary basins: use in enhanced oil recovery, storage in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, storage in salt-caverns, replacement of methane in coal beds by CO2injection, and hydrodynamic entrapment and mineral immobilization in deep saline aquifers. Succe...
from underground reservoirs was being processed at already existing coal oil refineries, and by the end of the century oil fields had been discovered in 14 states from New York to California and from Wyoming to Texas. During the same period, oil fields were found in Europe and EastAsiaas ...