资源介绍: 美国小学生流利阅读资料夹Texasreading Fluency Folder GK-G3 高清PDF源文件 内容简介: 美国各州的教育部门创建的孩子流利阅读资料夹,资料夹会提出一整年的要求,会有一些辅助练习,可以家校沟通阅读进度 内页截图:商品评论评论(177人参与,17条评论) 发布 最新评论 coco1 2024年12月04日 22:48 好资源 ...
The three subtests of the DRA2 provide information on a student's reading level, comprehension level, and fluency rate. This study researched the effectiveness of this test as a predictor for the performance on the 3rd Grade TAKS Reading test through a multiple regression analysis. A multiple ...
- Elementary (Pre-K - 2nd Grade) - Summer Day Camp (5-14 years old) Major focuses: - Accelerated reading - Math & Science - Fine motor skills development - Physical Education • A leading provider of accredited homeschool education, Adirondack Learning Academy (ALA) offers comprehensive, NC...
Web: http://www.abilityandbeyond.com Occupational Therapy using Interactive Metronome to increase sensory integration, cognitive/auditory processing, reading and math fluency, attention, balance, fine motor and writing skills.Ability Connection Texas John Nichols 16903 Red Oak, Ste. 209 Houston, TX 77...