Tales of the Texas Rangers, a western adventure old-time radio drama, premiered on July 8, 1950, on the US NBC radio network and remained on the air through September 14, 1952. Movie star Joel McCrea starred as Texas Ranger Jayce Pearson, who used the latest scientific techniques to ident...
Texas Rangers sports news and analysis. Baseball updates, scores, schedules and stats on the Rangers.
Two down-on-their-luck former outlaws volunteer to be Texas Rangers and find themselves assigned to bring in an old friend, now a notorious outlaw. Read more: Plot summary Director King Vidor Writers King Vidor (story) | Elizabeth Hill (story) | Louis Stevens (screenplay) | Walter ...
Nadel joined the Rangers in 1979 and called games on television and radio in his first three seasons. Beginning in 1982, he began a 13-year run with Mark Holtz as the radio team on WBAP while returning to the television booth for one year in 1984. Nadel became the team’s lead radio...
as well as special guests including Dallas Cowboys Executive Vice President and Chief Brand Officer Charlotte Jones, former Dallas Stars goaltender and current Dallas Stars Foundation President Marty Turco, former Texas Rangers pitcher Derek Holland, Rangers Hall of Fame play-by-play announcer Eric Nad...
But as one club insider point out, the trade market is a definite route to improving the roster. Rangers radio broadcaster Jared Sandler of 105.3 The Fan said to keep an eye on certain starting pitchers during an appearance on NBC 5’s “Big Game Sunday.” ...
In 2022, former pitcher and current Rangers Spanish radio broadcaster José Guzmán participated in the PlayersTV Hispanic Heritage event in collaboration with DFW organization Primos Dallas. During the event, Latino, Hispanic, and Mexican pro-athletes from the Metroplex, including José, interacted with...
The Texas Rangers Ride Again Anthony Quinn 9 votes The Texas Rangers Ride Again is a 1940 western film directed by James P. Hogan. Released:1940 Directed by:James P. Hogan 26 Texas Rangers James Van Der Beek, Dylan McDermott, Usher
Texas Southmost Amateur Radio Club Texas Southmost College Texas Space Grant Consortium Texas Speech Communication Association Texas Speech Communication Journal Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association Texas Speleological Association Texas Spine and Joint Hospital ...
A Texas Rangers captain interjected to tell the troops not to take it personally if a typical eruption of combat between warring cartel factions over there happened to send rounds their way. Don’t automatically just shoot back. “When those guys engage, we have a lot of bullets fly our ...