(c) A person commits an offense if the person, over the Internet, by electronic mail or text message or other electronic message service or system, or through a commercial online service, knowingly solicits a minor to meet another person, including the actor, with the intent that the minor ...
1. Computer Crimes under Chapter 33 of the Texas Penal Code The Texas Legislature has defined a series of “computer crimes” inChapter 33 of the Texas Penal Code, which include: Breach of Computer Security ( Sec. 33.02); Online Solicitation of a Minor (Sec. 33.021); Electronic Data Tamper...
*Source – Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners Official Board Orders & Online & Archived Disciplinary Summary
If your child was ticketed or arrested for juvenile misdemeanor assault in North Texas, your next step is to call an experienced juvenile assault defense attorney. At Varghese Summersett, we understand that juveniles make mistakes and are not immune to making poor decisions in their moment of ange...