2. Internet Crimes Defined in Chapter 16 of the Texas Penal Code In another chapter of the state criminal code,Chapter 16 of the Texas Penal Code, comes a series of crimes involving use of the internet itself, including: Unlawful Use of Criminal Instrument or Mechanical Security Device (Sec....
Juvenile law is a very nuanced, specialized area of law. You wouldn’t want a general practitioner handling a major surgery; the same holds true for juvenile assault defense. An experienced attorney can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system and make sure your child’s rights ...
“And this, for me, is linked to life sentences. For a short time now, these no longer exist in the Vatican penal code. A sentence of life (without parole) is a hidden death penalty.” Catholic News Service posts, "Pope Francis calls for abolishing death penalty and life imprisonment,"...
Those quirky little facts alone would make Iraan stand out, but there’s also an odd conspiracy theory that claims the town on the surface is only inhabited by a few actors for show, and that about three miles underneath it is a massive underground city where military research and tests are...
That fall, Freddie Dreyer, a building tender, took matters a step further by filing a suit alleging a conspiracy between Jalet and her clients to foment revolt in the prisons. Dreyer’s suit claimed Jalet was “interfering with the prison’s orderly operation, causing a breakdown in morale, ...