no matter the scale. The dorms could definitely use some renovations; they're outdated and overdue. The café also needs improvement—we eat the same things constantly, which gets crazy. But despite these challenges, I've been to other schools and wouldn't want to be anywhere else than this...
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15 hours of any 5 CS graduate courses passed with a grade of C or better. One undergraduate upper division course may be substituted for 1 graduate course; however, no 'elements' courses may be used as a substitute. The undergraduate course may be taken either for a grade or CR/NC. Ple...
Large scale reliance on an intermittent power source (and TX is more reliant on wind than any other state) is a prescription for disaster for an island grid; which is why HI cannot achieve it’s renewable goals and continues to rely heavily on oil & coal. IA and CA are also heavily ...
This week’s blog will be short and maybe sweet, but who knows—Hurricane Erzsébet is currently ravaging my office, and the damage a three-year-old can do can be off the scale. Truth be told, I’ve dealt with a few poltergeists in my lifetime, but noisy ghosts have nothing on thi...
‘country’ in elections is waste on a grand scale. On principle, I support maximizing nationwide participation at the grass roots. Therefore I am against the converse, whether it is represented as rejecting Howard Dean’s ’50-states’ strategy (why was that rejected?), repudiating the Deep...
The TEA grades every public and charter school in the state on an A-F scale. A failing grade can trigger state sanctions and it can lead the TEA to take over a district in the worst cases. Poor scores can also push families to leave the district and, ...
For more information on the 20-80 scouting scale by which all of our prospect content is governed, you can click here. For further explanation of Future Value’s merits and drawbacks, read Future Value.All of the numbered prospects here also appear on The Board, a resource the site offers...