This year theTexas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD)is advising all boaters to exercise ALL basic safety precautions while on the water. Cody Jones, TPWD Assistant Commander for Marine Enforcement, reminds us that abusing alcohol and drugs while boating is the number one contributor to boating ...
The city of Brownwood in Brown County received a $750,000 non-urban outdoor grant for the Riverside Park project. The project includes native landscaping, site amenities, a playground with inclusive elements, paved trails, picnic facilities, interpretive signage, a rain collection system...
Park Spotlight: Lake Brownwood Great Outdoors: Sleeping on the Sand Travel: Paris Texcetera: Concrete Jungles and Hill Country Forests Fish & Game: Paying It Forward Fish & Game: Duck Hunting: Know your birds and be safe Wild Thing: Don't Tread on Them Ask a Grackle Where in Texas? “...
Hey Paula - Brownwood, Texas Marker Texas - It is estimated that the song “Hey Paula” has been played almost every day somewhere in the world since it was recorded in the fall of 1962. The song and its performers, Paul and Paula, exhibited the “Universal Lovers” image and theme tha... Branch of Brownwood-based HPU. COMAL ISD: 800-221-2000; 1404 IH-35 N, New Braunfels, TX 78130. Facebook. The district communities are Canyon Lake, Sattler, Startzville, Hancock, Fischer, Spring Branch, Smithson Valley, Bulverde, Garden Ridge, and ...
Bandera, Texas: background, profile, information, portal, history, directory, events, attractions, services, business, government, non-profits, photos
There is the Western Massasauge, which are light gray in color with brown oval shapes on their back and smaller shapes on their side. They are usually two feet long and found in grasslands and marshy and swampy areas. The other type is Desert Massasauge, which are lighter than the above...
These rattlesnakes are more heavyset and about 4 1/2 long. They are either brown or tan with dark crossbands and their tail is black. They are found in wooded areas in wetlands. Black Tail Rattlesnake They have a black tail like the Timber Rattlesnake and are either gray or olive green...
A new state park will be opening in Texas after years of delays. Here's what you need to know.
Millions of years ago, most of the state of Texas was covered by an enormous inland sea that bisected North America and joined the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean. This fact explains the abundance of fossils to be found in central Texas and makes rock