a beautiful Texas native tree. "Save our Water ~ Plant Natives" Hill Country Native Plants Xeriscape Plants Sign up for our e-newsletter After you leave Hwy.16 and enter Spring Canyon Ranch... ...you will pass a clear lake and might...
For more information about the Mobile Food Pantry, contact Westside Community Center, see listing below. NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY OF TEXAS: npsot.org. Promoting research, conservation and utilization of native plants and plant habitats of Texas through education, outreach and example. A non-profit ...
Let me first state that I'm a proud native Texan, and throwing shade on the state bird of Texas may be as controversial as wearing a straw cowboy hat after Labor Day. But, mockingbirds can be massive jerks. Mockingbirds are unbelievably talented. They can impersonate the calls of 71 bir...
Along the way, you'll enjoy views of native plants and small gardens,... TX 1.8 mi Asphalt 2 reviews Bachman Lake Park Loop Trail Overview The Bachman Lake Park Loop Trail follows the shoreline of Bachman Lake within Bachman Lake Park for 3.5 miles. About the Route Along its short ...
Meanwhile, in North Texas, nurseryman Bill Neiman had watched manicured landscapes, some of which he had planned and planted, wither and die during the 1980 drought. “But driving around in what was left of the countryside,” says Neiman, “I saw native plants out there thriving, even bloomi...
NextLeaf Spot and Gray Leaf Spot Lawn DiseasesNext T. Stafford I enjoy writing about gardening, lawn care, etc. to share what I've learned with others. I've lived in Texas my whole life, so I'm more familiar with this region's native plants. Leave...
Hogs erode the soil and muddy streams and other water sources, possibly causing fish kills. They disrupt native vegetation and make it easier for invasive plants to take hold. The hogs claim any food set out for livestock, and occasionally eat the livestock as well, especially lambs, kids and...
Need a Christmas gift for the gardener in your life? I just harvested several hundred pounds of casting this weekend just in time for Christmas. A 10 lb bag at $20 can do a world of good for your winter garden or your potted plants. You can also brew a nearly unlimited supply of act...
Plant in full sun or light shade and irrigate occasionally to infrequently. This variety is more tolerant to alkaline conditions than other eastern redbuds and is cold hardy below 0 degrees F and useful in gardens down to USDA Zone 7a. A beautiful garden variety that has performed well in So...
Show and sale of native plants and techniques for beauty and survival in the Texas Hill Country. The event has both indoor and outdoor activities. The day is filled with artisans, handicrafters and gardeners enjoying the love of horticulture and gardening. Vendors will be offering all types of...