To protect yourself from these scams, never give personal information to unvetted agencies or over the phone, e-mail, or text. Additionally, never use P2P payment options when buying from an unknown vendor, stick to vetted checkout processes instead. #24. Health care (including Medicaid and Me...
Florida Governor Rick Scottannounced Wednesdayevening he had made a deal with the federal government and would now accept Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion, the initial implementation of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Governor Scott had previously been a champion of Tea party and conservative gra...
Those homes would not only be given larger amounts of Medicaid money to pay for the extra staffing but also receive a state designation as a top-level nursing facility, giving citizens the opportunity to choose those homes over the ones that maintain only a minimum number of employees. But ...
Though they’ve been lucky to have their Medicaid coverage extended beyond the typical eight months for refugees, it will end next summer; the cirrhosis will be with him for his whole life. The hope to return to Syria—to Quneitra, if not to the house in the Damascus suburbs which was ...