ALLEN, Texas (AP) — The shooter with neo-Nazi leanings whokilled eight peopleat a suburban Dallas shopping mall brought eight legally purchased guns to the scene, apparently chose his victims randomly and was shot dead by police within four minutes, authorities said Tuesday. The Allen police ...
Ohio. That shooter was killed by police. Together the two assaults wounded more than 50 people, some of them critically, and shocked even a nation that has grown accustomed to regular spasms of gun violence.
ALLEN, Texas-Federal officials are looking into whether the gunman whokilled eight people at a Dallas-area mallexpressed an interest in white supremacist ideology Sunday as they work to discern a motive for the attack, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press. The official cautione...
Neighbors told CBS News Texas they saw FBI personnel remove three-to-four boxes from his parents' home while officers spoke with them in the front yard. The front entrance of a home connected to suspected mall gunman, Mauricio Garcia, is seen, Sunday, May 7, 2023, in Dallas. The home w...
The massacre Saturday sent hundreds of shoppers at the Allen Premium Outlets scrambling for cover in shops, storerooms and closed hallways. Those killed included two elementary school-age sisters, a couple and their 3-year-old son, and a security guard who had helped others escape. ...
Walker said he ran toward a mall security guard, Christian LaCour, 20, who intercepted him and told him to sit down. LaCour was killed soon after. “I don't have much to say after that,” Walker said. “A tragedy occurred.”
At least 18 people were killed and 59 others wounded in a missile strike on a mall in Kremenchuk in central Ukraine, the head of Ukraine's emergency services said on Tuesday. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy said in a Telegram message on Monday that more than 1,000 civilians were at the mall...
on May 30th, 2021, 27-year-old Warsama Youssouf was seated with friends in a parked car in a strip mall parking lot when a drive-by shooter killed him. The murder remains unsolved. In 2019, Youssouf has survived a stabbing attack. View Listing » 470 Rideau Street/ Ottawa/ Ontario/...
Odessa police previously said it believed there were two shooters in two separate vehicles driving around the city of 117,000 shooting at random people. Midland Mayor Jerry Morales told CNN the shooter was shot and killed in the parking lot of a movie theater: ...
The suspect was shot and killed by a responding officer who was at the mall on an unrelated call, police said.