Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas is one of 28 local workforce development boards in Texas that partners with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to provide workforce solutions to employers and job seekers. The Heart of Texas region includes Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone and...
Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas is one of 28 local workforce development boards in Texas that partners with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to provide workforce solutions to employers and job seekers. The Heart of Texas region includes Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone and...
“This is always one of our largest hiring events, and we’re looking forward to hosting it in person this year,” said Jose Palacios, Manager of Business and Industry Initiatives for Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas. “Local employers from multiple industries are lin...
Local Office: 830-625-6268; 109 Rosa Parks, POB 311962, New Braunfels, TX 78131. Local Office: Senior Citizens Center, 830-629-1751; 350 N Grape Ave, New Braunfels, TX 78130 Local Office: Workforce Solutions Alamo, 830-629-2010; 183 IH-35 S, New Braunfels, TX 78130 ...
a special acknowledgement to simon salas, education andWorkforce training Committee Chair, Mark guthrie, Chair, tyane Dietz, immediate Past Chair, and the members of the education and Workforce training Committee.TEXAS ASSOCIATION OFWORKFORCE BOARDS...
Reporting Negative Incidents Involving Texas Workforce System Customers—Update PURPOSE: To provide Local Workforce Development Boards (Boards) with information and guidance on reporting negative incidents involving Texas workforce system customers, specifically: examples of negative incidents; and req...
The United Family was presented both the Large Employer of the Year award and the Service to Business award. Both of these awards qualify as Texas Workforce Commission nominations and have been sent to TWC to compete with businesses from the 28 other Workforce Solutions boards for the ultimate ...
WELCOME TO SACC TEXAS The Lone Star State leads the nation in job creation over the last 10 years and in population growth over the last 14. Texas offers a business-friendly climate, along with a highly skilled workforce, easy access to global markets,
andtheTexasWorkforceCommission(TWC)andthelocalworkforcedevelopmentboardsarecommittedtohelpingTexans ndandreturntowork.OurmainmissionistoimprovetheworkforceofTexas,andourgoalissimple:goodjobsandgoodwagesforallTexanswhoneedthem.EmploymentServicesandstaffatlocalWorkforceSolutionsof cesarededicatedto ndinginnovativewaysto...
/PRNewswire/ -- Full Capacity Marketing (FCM), a national marketing agency specializing in the workforce, education, and entrepreneurship sectors announces an...