Texas Legislature considers bill to allow State Board of Education to ban "inappropriate" library bo A new Texas bill allows school boards to review and remove books deemed inappropriate, sparking debates among educators and parents about its impact on children. ...
Texas Legislature Passes bill to Limit Wind Farms On 5/22/17, the Texas House of Representatives voted to approve Senate Bill 277 (SB277), as amended.….…..Click here for more === Legislature Approves a Bill for Periodic Utility Rate Adjustments On 5/19/17, the Texas legislature sent ...
What the unanimous passage of HB 10 suggests about the mood of the 83rd Legislature. By Brian D. Sweany and Texas Monthly Business| January 21, 2013 Laredo Dentist Tries Hand at Plastic Surgery and Lying to Medicaid A dentist who previously dabbled in unlicensed plastic surgery, pleaded ...
Criminal Defense Personal Injury Family Law Locations ContactRecent Articles Criminal Solicitation of a Minor | Texas Penal Code 15.031 Criminal solicitation of a minor is a serious offense in Texas, and it happens more often than many realize. Law enforcement agencies and prosecutors aggressively...
The Legislature of the Children Can lawmakers invest in the future of Texas children with $2.8 billion less to spend? ByR.G. Ratcliffe News & Politics| September 17, 2013 “It’s Not a School Problem” Diane Ravitch’s scorched-earth critique of high-stakes testing and education reform. ...
budget increase, Condemnation, Constitution, Eminent Domain, landowner rights, pipeline, pipeline data, Pipelines, power of eminent domain, Texas Constitution, Texas Legislature, Texas Railroad Commission, TRC, United States Constitution The Texas Railroad Commission (“TRC”), an agency that has suffere...
University spokeswoman Marilu Reyna said the university’sofficial positionis that “Texas A&M-San Antonio will implement and enforce any law that is passed by the State Legislature regarding this matter.” According to Richard Delgado, Director of Military Community Development and Army ROTC, he wa...
In 2007, the Texas Legislature enacted Senate Bill 3 seeking a comprehensive approach for flow protection. That approach, which remains only partially implemented, includes setting aside for flow protection reasonable amounts of water not already authorized for use, adopting flow standards with flow-...
In 2011, the Texas Legislature passed a significant anti-barratry bill, allowing a client who was subject to barratry to recover from the offending lawyer all fees the client paid to the lawyer (SB 1716). Reforms in this area also have come in the form of Texas Supreme Court decisions ...
Fromtightened abortion laws, toborder walls, tolightened gun permit rules, to anew state budget effectively defunding the legislature, Texas state politics captured national attention over the past few weeks. Now that Governor Abbott has called for a special session, everyone is eying the Lone Star...