and multiple accounts. the parties were to agree in writing to the division of personal property from two of their homes and submit any items they could not agree on to arbitration. the court incorporated the aid into the final divorce decree. arbitration proceedings they later signed a binding...
Depending on the county of the divorce, there are legal aid organizations to help families with lower income. Tarrant County, legal aid of North West Texas, offers its services in 15 locations across 114 counties in Texas. They prioritize persons with incomes within 125 percent of the U.S. ...
Call The Law Office of J. Michael Clay at 210-694-5205 For a Free Initial Consultation. Experienced San Antonio, Texas Divorce Lawyer and Family Law Attorney.
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Professional Uses:court records are an invaluable resource for non-legal professionals and businesses and are commonly used to gather information for reporting, studies, and risk assessment and aid interested parties in making informed decisions based on documented legal proceedings. ...
Marriage & Divorce Records Criminal Investigations CORPORATE Corporate investigations are in demand due in part to constantly evolving technology. Corporations are at risk for both internal and external attacks on integrity and profitability. Our investigators aid in the discovery of dishonest employee behav...
One of the most painful parts of the divorce process for many couples is determining child custody. It can be a difficult decision that causes a great deal of stress to both parents and children. In such a difficult and stressful time, people sometimes forget that the purpose of child custod...
If the applicant has a divorce or custody case pending against the other person, they should submit the forms in the county where that case is pending or in the county where they live. There is no fee to file for a protective order or to make motions in a case involving a protectiv...
First, gather up all your important information. That includes your full legal name, Social Security number, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce papers, citizenship or adoption papers, information on employers, any military service information, phone numbers for close friends, relatives, doc...
Single parents often encounter a myriad of legal issues that can significantly impact their lives and the well-being of their children. Navigating child custody battles, understanding child support laws, and dealing with the legal ramifications of separation or divorce are common challenges. In Fort ...