Federal law exempts workers with "executive, administrative, and professional" (EAP) duties from receiving overtime pay, and the Labor Department has for decades used salary as one factor in deciding when that applies. In adopting the rule, the department said that lower-paid salaried workers oft...
Under the federal law, nearly all hourly workers in the U.S. are entitled to overtime pay after 40 hours a week. But many salaried workers are exempt from that requirement—unless they earn below a certain level. The Labor Department’s now-scuttled rule would have marked the biggest incr...
and companies can receive both criminal and civil punishments for trying to do so.Overtime pay laws protect workers from being retaliated against by their employers, but an overtime attorney can ensure you get paid for all the hours you put in at work. The overtime attorneys...
DoI have to pay my employees when they take time off during the workday to vote:Yes, the law says that an employer may not penalize an employee for attending polls on Election Day. That said, employers do not have to pay if the polling place is open for two consecutive hours outside ...
law on employment contracts or overtime pay. Getting employees paid what they’re owed under the law, whether from a commission/bonus agreement, stock option agreement, unpaid salary, or overtime pay – involves a specialized area of employment law. We focus ONLY on employee compensation and ...
Unpaid Overtime The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that all non-exempt employees who work more than 40 hours in the workweek be paid at least one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for the overtime hours worked. All time that is considered hours worked must be counted when ...
Rasansky Law Firm handles unpaid overtime lawsuits on behalf of the employees of companies that fail to pay overtime wages as required by The Fair Labor Standards Act.
Yes, all employees, including tipped employees, are entitled to overtime pay. Employers must pay time and a half for any time worked above 40 hours in a week. Employers should make this calculation using the full minimum wage: $7.25 x 1.5 = $10.88 per hour. Then they can deduct the ...
For personalized service from an experienced employment law attorney, call the Austin Law Offices of Kell A. Simon at 512-898-9019. Free initial consultations.
These laws establish minimum wage rates, overtime pay, and other employment standards. Understanding these laws can be challenging, especially for new employers or those without experience in dealing with wage and hour issues. This post will provide an overview of Texas wage and hour laws, ...