Our mission is simple:We help Texas Landowners manage and preserve the natural resources of land, water, and wildlife. 94% of Texas is privately owned - if you are one of those landowners we are here to help you! Land Management Services ...
Texas Wildlife Management Consultants is a complete wildlife consulting business. Certified Wildlife Biologists working with Texas landowners to enhance the wildlife on their property.
“It was a pleasure working with Landmark Wildlife to develop a management plan enabling us to qualify for a Texas wildlife exemption. The plan was comprehensive and coherent. We followed the recommendations easily. Walking our property with the biologist, and he was extraordinarily interesting and ...
Wildlife Management The natural beauty and wildlife that inhabits our land isn't just one of the main things we love about Texas ranches, it's also part of the full story of Texas land, and when managed well, can greatly increase both the potential income and overall value of the ranch....
2. Wildlife Exemption Basics The basics of a wildlife exemption involve transitioning land from traditional agricultural valuation to wildlife management valuation, while keeping the lower tax rate. Landowners must meet ecoregion-specific requirements, such as having previously qualified for agricultural use...
SUPPORT & PROMOTEcomprehensive educational programs based upon scientific study of the wise use and conservation of Texas wildlife. EDUCATEtrappers in the proper harvesting and management of furbearing animals. ADVOCATEfor scientifically based wildlife legislation. ...
“At times when hunting is allowed, you have to be careful and wear your hunter orange. But you’ve also got access to this property at any other time also. For just doing the nature watching type things. Over a million acres of land. Ready. Right there. Waiting for you to come out...
About 97 percent of the land is privately owned, resulting in a staunch sentiment of private property rights. There is a strong agricultural heritage with many large, successful ranches in the state. Many ranchers were astute, innovative businessmen willing to experiment with different breeds of ...
The recreational and aesthetic value of wildlife is partly reflected in the Texas hunt lease system and rural land markets. The results of an extensive survey of Texas hunters and a land valuation model are utilized to develop estimates of the value of wildlife in Texas. Although the value of...