Texas Land Area (Square Miles) Geographic Center In McCulloch County, 15 mi. NE of Brady Longitude: 99°27.5'W Latitude: 31°14.6'N Total Area 268,580.82 sq. mi. 2nd Land Area 261,797.12 sq. mi. 97.48% Water Area 6,783.70 sq. mi. 2.52% Forested Land Area 51.6% Dimensions (Len...
Land area:261,232 sq mi. (676,587 sq km) Geographic center:In McCulloch Co., 15 mi. NE of Brady Number of counties:254 Largest county by population and area:Harris, 4,713,325 (2020); Brewster, 6,193 sq mi. State forests:5 ...
Area: Area: 268,601 sq.mi (695,674 sq.km.), 2nd Land: 261,914 sq.mi. (678,355 sq.km.), 2nd Water: 6,687 sq.mi. (17,319 sq.km.), 9th Coastline: 367 mi. (591 km.), 6th Shoreline: 3,359 mi. (5,406 km.), 7th Largest Cities: Houston | San Antonio | Dallas | ...
Seeadditional census data Land area:249 sq mi. (645 sq km); Alt.:4,000 ft. Avg. daily temp.:Jan., 42.8° F; July, 82.3° F Churches:Protestant, 320; Roman Catholic, 39; Jewish, 3; others, 20; City-owned parks:145 (2,150 ac.);1 ...
The area of the state of Texas is 268,820 square miles. To put this in perspective, Texas is larger than many countries around the world including the...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer your...
Area(sq mi)::633.01 (land 627.66; water 5.35)Population per square mile:200.60 Population2005:125,894State rank:26Population change:2000-20005 -4.40%; 1990-2000 7.60%Population2000:131,664 (White 73.30%; Black or African American 10.20%; Hispanic or Latino 12.20%; Asian 1.80%; Other 9.20%...
Area: 678 927 sq km (262 134 sq miles). Abbreviation: Tex or TX (with zip code) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 tex•as (ˈtɛk səs) n. a...
Area(sq mi)::973.59 (land 962.95; water 10.64)Population per square mile:21.50 Population2005:20,736State rank:111Population change:2000-20005 1.70%; 1990-2000 10.90%Population2000:20,390 (White 64.60%; Black or African American 14.80%; Hispanic or Latino 19.70%; Asian 0.20%; Other 12.20%...
Moreover, empirical Bayesian kriging assumes that the underlying spatial process is constant across the study area [49]. However, spatial processes are often non-stationary due to various factors, including land use, land cover, and the built environment, including urban development patterns. The ...
A non-profit who's mission is to assist rural communities through improved community social services, coordinated resource conservation, environmental stewardship, sustainable agriculture, water and land within our 10 county area. Counties Served: Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe, Frio, Wilson, Atascosa, Medina...