Improving Indigent Defense in TexasVIKRANT REDDY
Sherman’s defense of the corps is the one made by most male cadets. He admits that discrimination exists, but he divides the women’s charges into those that “did happen, didn’t happen, or have been magnified.” The corps is getting better, he says, and the problems that do exist...
Hood Camp of United Confederate Veterans opens to provide a home for veterans who were disabled and indigent. 1885 North Texas Lunatic Asylum, now Terrell State Hospital, opens. William Hardin, unofficial advisor to the Alabama-Coushatta Indians and soldier who was disabled at San Antonio during ...
Indigent Defense Idea to Get Test in TexasNEW BRAUNFELS, Texas Tommy Vaughn knows his clients may bedistrustful when a court appoints him...Lozano, Juan A
Crisis in Indigent Criminal Defense in Texas: A Call for Reform, TheIn the past several years, a decreasing number of experienced attorneys nationwide are will-ing to accept court appointments, due in Often, the fees do not cover fixed overhead costs In thesecounties, every attorney who does...
procedures and forms must be filed by November 1 in odd numbered yearswith the Office of CourtAdministration for the Task Force on Indigent Defense (Task Force), thestate entity charged with oversight of the Fair Defense Act. The procedures adopted must include financialstandards, forms, and ...
Wainwright, indigents accused of criminal offenses that carry a possible punishment of confinement are entitled to an attorney and the support needed to mount a defense to those charges.! Despite early leadership in the area of indigentBurnett, Catherine Green...