Texas horned lizards ( Phrynosoma cornutum ) have a number of ways to avoid predation, including camouflage, sharp cranial horns, flattening of the body, and the ability to squirt blood from the eyes. These characteristics and their relatively low survival rates in the wild suggest these lizards...
The horned lizards, sometimes referred to as "horned frogs," are the official state lizard of Texas, where they are threatened, and protected by law. The lizards, which average 3" to 5" in length, have prominent horns on top of their head and rows of spiny scales along their sides. Th...
The Dallas Zoo recently welcomed 18 new baby horned lizards. If all goes well, the zoo plans to release them into the wild by fall as part of an effort to restore the lizard population.Aug 23, 2024 Twitter Facebook Email Latest Videos ...
Microhabitat Selection by Texas Horned Lizards in Southern Texas BY TEXAS HORNED LIZARDS IN SELECTION TEXASBurrow, Anna LKazmaier, Richard THellgren, Eric CRuthven, Donald C
I conducted a three-year study to evaluate the feasibility of reintroduction of Texas horned lizards (Phrynosma cornutum), a state threatened species in Texas that appears to be declining throughout its distribution. Lizards were translocated from natural populations in western Texas to the McGilli...
Texas Christian University.Wall, Ashley Elizabeth.Texas Christian University.Wall, A. E. 2014. Home range and genetics of Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) in two small towns in south Texas. Thesis, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, USA....
We translocated lizards from natural populations in western Texas to the McGillivray and Leona McKie Muse Wildlife Management Area (MWMA) in the Cross Timbers and Prairies of northヽentral Texas, an ecoregion that has experienced apparent local extirpations of horned lizards. We translocated ...
Ecology Spatial and demographic ecology of Texas horned lizards within a conservation framework SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBONDALE Eric C. Hellgren WolfAlexander JDisturbance due to habitat restoration and urbanization can threaten populations of sensitive wildlife species. I examined 2 aspects of ...
We used a combination of radio-telemetry and novel harmonic radar methodology to study a closed population of Texas horned lizards in 15 ha of native grassland at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. Population abundance for adults and juveniles was estimated as 56.5 +/- 5.5 lizards and density as...
Ecology Home range and genetics of Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) in two small towns in south Texas TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Dean A. Williams WallAshley ElizabethCharacteristics of urbanization such as roads, buildings, exotic species and vegetative homogenization can create patches of ...